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C01: Hard Apple Cider


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2013-10-14 Main:

I started a "brew" of hard cider. I used Whole Foods 365 Brand cider and Old Orchard Juice Concentrate. The general idea is from

Here are my notes:

That was all there was to it. It probably took about 30 minutes! I do not know about this yeast but it is what the shoprecommended. I haven't decided about back sweetening and what else I want to do.

2013-11-23 Bottle

I decided for the sake of simplicity, I wouldn't backsweeten and I'd just bottle as is. I put it in the fridge 3 days earlier to cold crash. I had taken off the airlock and put sanitized foil over the bung so it would fit.

Here are my bottle notes:

Bottling went well. I cleanly bottled 10 bottles with some left to drink. It tasted very good. Very clean and dry. It reminded me of a very lightly carbonated and very unsweetened version of that alcohol apple cider. It also had a kind-of champagne smell to it. I do not think it needed any sweetener! I'm very excited to try it and I think I will buy more jugs of juice and do it again.

Side note:

This is batch C01.

2013-12-07 note: 3 weeks will be 2013-12-14

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6760, 2013-10-14_124120