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Sour Scotch Ale
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Homebrew 006. See Photos (link later)
Note, still in progress
This is based on the clone of Oskar Blues' Old Chub (slightly modified) but sour-mashed with about 24% of the grist. It is my first time sour-mashing so I am also testing out that method and equipment. I am also testing doing no-sparge on the soured part of the grains to get an idea of efficiency
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All Grain
Strong Scotch Ale
Boil Time:
90 min
Batch Size:
1.375 gallons (fermentor volume)
Boil Size:
2.15 gallons
70% (brew house)
Boil Gravity:
1.050 (recipe based estimate)
Original Gravity:
Final Gravity:
ABV (standard):
IBU (tinseth):
SRM (morey):
Bill %
2.5 lb
American - Pale 2-Row
3.5 oz
United Kingdom - Extra Dark Crystal 120L
3.5 oz
German - Munich Light
1 oz
United Kingdom - Chocolate
1.5 oz
Belgian - Special B
1.25 oz
American - Smoked Malt
1 lb
American Pale 2 Row for Sour Mash (25%)
0.18 oz
60 min
Mash Guidelines
2.3 qt
Full vol. mash sour with 162-163
155 F
60 min
0 qt
Mash Out
168 F
10 min
Cool to 120
115 F
Innoculate with 2.5 oz grain. hold 4 days
115 F
999 min
4.22 qt
Mash In around168
155 F
60 min
Mash Out
168 F
10 min
2.9 qt
Dunk Sparge at 175
168 F
10 min
Starting Mash Thickness: 1.33 qt/lb
Other Ingredients
2.5 oz
American Pale 2 Row (DO NOT MASH)
0.25 tsp
Irish Moss
10 min
0.13 tbsp
Yeast Nutrient
10 min
Fermentis / Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
59 - 75 F
Fermentation Temp:
69 F
Pitch Rate:
Based on http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f12/oskar-blues-old-chub-clone-byo-303487/ but I tweaked the numbers a bit for round numbers. And I lowered the base malt to make it less strong.
Boil Volume is 2.15 so for ~25%, it is about 2 quarts. With a grain absorption of 0.3 qt/lbs, that means sour with 2.3 qt and 1 lbs of grain
The 1 lbs 2-row and the 2.5 oz can be ordered together but 2.5 ounces should be withheld
This recipe is souring about 24%
Generated by Brewer's Friend - <http://www.brewersfriend.com/>
Date: 2013-10-17 18:35 UTC
Recipe Last Updated: 2013-10-16 21:07 UTC
Testing slow cooker with water and oxiclean in the jar
When set at 46C, creeps to 46.5C
Set diff to 0.3 clicked on at 45.7. Bottomed out at 45.3C. I will change it to a smaller difference so it goes on sooner (Nope, can't get below 0.3C diff)
Final setting is 46C with 0.3C diff
So with this test it is 45.3C-46.5C or 113.5F-115.7F
Took out only 2.25 oz of the grain so mashing with 1 pound 0.25 oz
Dough in at 7:58pm @162. Droppes to 158.
Note, changed to the small pot since it was too shallow in the bigger one, especially with the rack. So, instead I decided to use the smaller pot with no bag. I will then pour it through the bag into the bigger pot which I can then use to squeeze the bag
Measured test oxiclean test jar and it was a bit lower. This makes sensebecause there is a bit of the thing exposed. THis may be less of an issue with a towel over it but I'll change the setting to 47C.
T-40. 150°F. Heat on 3/10 to 156.
T-23 154°F. Add a bit of heat.
T-10 At 150-152. Added heat to 156-158
I am thinking of extending the mash an extra 15 min or so. (T+...... then). Just leave the temp.
Added 10 min
At t+10 (70 min into mash) temp was about 152.
Mashed out to 168. Held there for a bit. (I am now realizing that I forgot to hold for a full 10. Oh well)
Cooled to about 115
Collected 7.5 cups or 1.875 qt (a bit low)
Calculated grain absorption was 0.43 qt/lbs. I wonder why considering I felt like I could squeeze more with the smaller amount of grain.
1.056 SG at 108°F for a calibrated 1.059
74.74% Pre-Kettle according to Brewers Friend. Not bad! (Note that I double crushed the grains)
put into jar and added 2.25 oz grain to wort . Covered with cling wrap and put into hot water bath
With insulation, it got to 47.7C which is too high (never mind, 47.7C=117.9. We want to stay below 120°F=48.8, but even then, as long as we don't hit 130°F=54.4C, we should be fine... See BYO link below)
Spiked to 48. Set a bit lower to 46.5
Set lower to 46.3. I've been watching it. When it clicks on, it doesn't drop any further. It then stays there for a bit before rapidly rising past it's goal. (rose from 46C to 46.8C). Continues to rise slowly and peaked at 47.5
I just read a few things in BYO. For one, I could have sealed the container. Two, I am fine on temperatures. See below:
The most common contaminant of a sour mash is Clostridium butyricum. This anaerobic bacteria produces butyric acid, a foul-smelling compound that turns the mash rancid. Sour mashes infected with Clostridium should be thrown out. Luckily, these bugs are inactive above 112 F. Keeping the sour mash above this temperature will inhibit Clostridium.
Acetobacter, an acetic acid-producing bacteria, can also infect sour mashes. These aerobic bacteria grow on the surface of the mash if oxygen is present and can convert alcohol to acetic acid at pH values as low as 4.5. Keeping the sour mash tun tightly closed to seal out oxygen will inhibit the growth of Acetobacter. It can also be inhibited by raising the temperature above 122 F. (Temperatures above 120 F will stun L. delbruckii, but they will survive unless temperature exceeds a high of 131 F.)
Here are my notes. I started around 11:15 or so. Normal procedure with_italics_
Started heating 4.22 to 168. Changed to 4.25 qts (4 qts + 1 cup)
(11:50) Mashed in at 165 (choose to try a bit lower). Stabilized around 155
Cover and hold for 60 min
T-43min. ~149. Heat on 3/10 to 156. Hold 15 min
I want to go back to mashing thinner
t-28. 155 Hold 15
Just to note, the sourmash used 1.42 kWh
t-14. T~148. Took a long time to 156. I wonder if I measured too soon before
12:40 pull sour. Smells like apple juice
Tastes tart but flavorful. Very clean tasting
SG of sour mash 1.051 @ 102°F (1.057 @ calibrated)
Recovered 7 cups=1.75 qts
t-0. T153. Heat 3/10 t0 168
(1:01) @168. Hold 10 min
(1:17) Into sparge. Hold 10min
3 qt+1/7 cups=3.425qt first run
first run + sour=3.425+1.75 qt = 5.175 qt
Need 2.15gal=8.6 qt for bol so 3.425 qt from sparge. Will have to squeeze well
3qt+0.5cup =3.125 qt from sparge
Combined mash (_ONLY). _3.425+3.125=6.55 qt for today's mash
SG: 1.059@82=1.061 for today's mash
(Separatelyentered pre-boil efficiency is therefore) 86%
Hop Adjust: 0.18oz *14%/13.5% == 0.1866 ~=0.19oz
1:57 Boil! Heat to 8/10
Began rehydrating yeast based on Palmer's instructions (p 73). Boiled 1/2 cup in microwaved. At T=95-105, added about 5 g. Covered with star-sanned Al foil for 15 min then stir. Added at 2:53 (_took forever to cool)._stirred at 3:07
2:58. Into the ice. Time/Temps and notes: 3:05/109°F, 3:07/no steam. lid on, 3:09/95. 3:15/80F, 3:20/72
SG: 1.079 (1.080)
Shook for 2 min
Added yeast. Shook again
3:27 all done
Very hard to get good height measure (used flashlight the help but not very useful)
I think 15.5 cm --> 1.47 gal or 5.89 qts
May need to adjust boil-off, etc. May use a blowoff tube. Not sure
Brewhouse efficiency (remember some went to the bacteria): 77%
Quick note later of brew day. I was looking over the recipe and realized that I accidentally did a 60 minute boil instead of 90. Oops. I do not think it will make much of a difference other than more volume (as I found). I still had great numbers but I may have been able to do better with a longer boil. I didn't use pilsner so I shouldn't have to worry about DMS.
Moved the whole bucket to the fridge for cold crash
Note that while I was bottling, I was also brewing batch 008. Here is my log
Racked over to bucket
1.0215 @46F ==> 1.021==> 7.74% ABV
13.4 cm --> 1.24 gal
Aim for 2.1 vol with temp set to 65 (fermentation temp, not crash) --> 0.80oz corn sugar
use 1/2 cup water
1.24 gal = 13.2 12oz bottle which may be cutting it close
Instead, do 11 12oz and 1 22oz bottle
Filled. Used the autosiphon but I was really able to control it well. Isacrificeda 6-pack holder and filled into them so that I could stand towards the end to tilt the bucket and hold the siphon
Sprayed O2 absorbing caps with star san 6 at a time and covered bottles. Capped in 6 bottle batches
Missed by about 1/3 bottle. I'll cap it and see what happens. May take longer to carb.
Doing the bottles in the 6 pack may have cause me to loose a bit too much since I had to wait until they just overflowed to cut it. I'll work on my technique
once capped, I rinsed the bottles and noted brew #6 on the top
2013-12-07 Note: 3 weeks will be today, but I think it may need more timebecause of (a) the temp and (b) the cold-crash may leave less yeast
Original WP Post ID: 6770
Original WP Pub Date: 2013-10-16_144254