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Home > posts > 2013 > 10 > 20131024_221030_roasted-beets-and-beet-green-and-stem-fritata.html
Roasted Beets and Beet-Green (and stem) Frittata
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I do not know what happened but I forgot to take a picture. Anyway...
I started by peeling beets and tossing them with a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and rosemary. I then roasted them in the oven at 400 for about 30-40 mins.
In the mean time, I cut up the beet greens and stalks. I cooked the stalks in a pan for about 8-10 minutes with about half of it being with water to steam them. I then added the chopped greens with salt and other seasonings. I decided I wanted a bit of protein so I mixed 2 eggs with 2 eggs worth of egg beaters. I added the beet greens to the pan and then the eggs. I cooked that for a bit and then put it under the broiler
The roasted beets were great. Perfectly cooked and very sweet. Lots of flavor from the rosemary and other seasonings.The frittata was kind of bland. Not sure what I could have added. These beets have very long stalks so the frittata was mostly stalk as well.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6819, 2013-10-24_221030