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Summer/Fresh Kale + Shrimp Rolls and Cilantro-Parsnip Soup


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](/media/2014/01/20140126-195741.jpg)I made a really cool meal of summer/fresh rolls and cilantro-parsnip soup.

First the fresh rolls. I bought larger 31cm wrappers which made it a lot easier. To fill it, I sliced a red pepper, juilliened carrots, sauted kale (I don't like it raw), cilantro and sauted shrimp. All of them are pictured below laid out.

I made 5 rolls (3 dinner, 2 lunch) and they came out pretty good. They didn't have a huge amount of flavor but summer rolls don't usually. I could have probably done a bit more seasonings on the shrimp and the kale.

And then I made parsnip soup. I actually ended up throwing cilantro in since i had a ton leftover. It was very, very roughly based on thisbut I am not even going to include the recipe since I made so many changes. What I did is below:

I let it all simmer for a while and then immersion blended it.

So the meal was very good; especially the soup however the major downside is that it is actually a very expensive meal. Between the shrimp, the kale and the veggies, it added up quickly. Oh well, still a lot better than eating out.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7184, 2014-01-26_195804