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Home > posts > 2014 > 03 > 20140323_173056_lentil-moussakka-3.html
Lentil Moussakka
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(forgot to take a photo since I didn't eat it that night)
I made the pretty standard recipe[@rev] except I discovered a few changes that really made life easier. Rather than broil the eggplant slices, I roasted them at 450 for 15 minutes. This way, I didn't have to watch it or flip it and I could do two trays at once. It_significantly_reduced the amount of work.
I think that broiling_is_ better since it makes them more crispy, but I am far from convinced that it would be noticeablein the final product when you have it baked in a wet sauce for a while and the reduction in work is well worth it. (I will update the post to account for this change)
Also, I made it into my corningware dish. I had a lot extra that I was able to make a large single serving (with sauce) and a small side-dished size without sauce.
Original WP Post ID: 7700
Original WP Pub Date: 2014-03-23_173056