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NY Strip Steak and Potatoes Saturday, August 09, 2014, 10:50 PM



I made a pretty simple bit fancy meal: steak & potatoes.

I bought an 11 oz NY Strip steak and cooked it similar to last time. I made sure to super-pre-heat the pan so it was uniformly hot. Though I think next time I will use a lower temp and "grill" longer. For this, I did 6 minutes on both sides. I had a little bit of salt and oil on the pan but not too much. The steak was cooked pretty well. Maybe a bit rare but I didn't mind.Next time, I will use the flat cast-iron pan and forgo the lines. This may give it a better sear.I cooked the steak with the fat but they trimmed it off before eating.

And I made roasted potatoes. I decided to use fingerling potatoes to mix it up. I followed the idea from here to first boil them with a bit of vinegar. I did roast them ay 500 but they didn't need as much time as the recipe stated. I think I did 15 minutes and then just another 5.

One issue with this meal was from the smoke detectors. I expected I would set them off with grilling however, it turns out, the oven set them off first with just that high of a heat. This was even before there was food in it. So, I had to cover all of the detectors (and I promptly removed the covering even before eating so I wouldn't forget).

Slice of the steak to see doneness Covered smoke alarms.

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