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Ruebens and Cauliflower Thursday, August 21, 2014, 08:50 PM



I made ruebens. There wasn't too much interesting. I used the same fat-free thousand island dressing as I have used in the past but with real ketchup. Honestly, it was too sweet and thin. Next time, I'd reduce the vinegar and honey and increase the relish.

I assembled the sandwiches and then tried to "grill" them as you can see in the pictures. My big mistake was using the cast-iron on the bottom. The sandwiches all burned at the part that was towards the center even though they were fine on the edges. My guess is that with the induction heat and the high specific heat of cast-iron, only the small ring got hot causing very low heat diffusion. Next time, I'll use a regular pan that_should_ diffuse heat better.

I made 3 sandwiches so 1.5 per meal. Between all three, there was 0.6 lbs of beef (based on _deli_ beef , 8 but say 10 to be sure), 4.5 slices of lite swiss (6 points) plus the dressing (2 pp) and sauerkraut. And 6 slices of bread for 12. Total is 10/sandwich.

I also made curry roasted cauliflower (probably 2 Tbsp oil =6 pp )

Additional Photos

Ready to grill On the cast iron (would not use it on the bottom again) Weighted down

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