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Bahn Mi Sandwiches


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IMG_0786.JPGWe made Bahn Mi sandwiches Therewasn't too much to them. Meredith made mushroom pate[@rev] the day before. We pressed firm-tofu and then pan fried it. The first batch used a lot of oil but I then just used pam after that. It took a more careful watch but honestly, the results with pam were nicer than with the oil. We then brought all the tofu together and put some Kikkoman low sodium Teriyakiand tossed it to combine.

We thin sliced some cucumbers and added some jalapeo and cilantro. We were going to used some picked carrots but they were super old and we didn't trust them. The bread was stale since we pushed off this meal but the flavors were mostly there. It could have used the carrots,

We also ate leftover Miang Kham (one bite salad)[@rev] but without the leaves. We just assembled it on a spoon.

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Original WP Post ID: 8830

Original WP Pub Date: 2014-09-08_230028