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Broiled Trout and Roasted Broccoli-Arugula Soup


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Meredith and I made a quick meal of roasted broccoli (and arugula) soupwith trout.

Meredith had read about a broccoli-arugula soup and we decided to do something similar but with roasting it (as we did for this[@rev] recipe). We reallydidn't follow any recipe and just winged it. We roasted a good amount of broccoli on 400 for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, we sauted an onion, added some garlic andthen added the broccoli and water. We used about a gallon of water and used Better Than Bouillon to taste (a good amount).

It still needed some flavor so we added a good bit of smoked paprika, garlic powder, and pepper. Finally, we decided to add some smoked salt but accidentally poured a whole bunch in. Thankfully, we were able to skim a lot off before it mixed and the end product wasn't too salty.

Right before blending it, we added a large bunch of arugula. I am not convinced I could really taste the arugula but it adds nutrients. The dominant flavor was the broccoli with an accent of smokiness.

The trout was a pretty simple affair. We got two fish's worth (about 1 lbs) and broiled it butterflyed with the skin on the bottom and some lemon and fresh thyme (from Meredith;s garden) on top. We broiled it for about 5+ minutes but should have stopped it at 5 minutes. It was a bit overcooked but not too bad. (this was also for dinner the next day).

We topped it with some fried capers using the method from Smitten Kitchen in this post. (I am not copying it below since it was pretty simple). Basically, drain and dry the capers then fry them for 5 minutes or so.

Additional Photos

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Closeup of the soup with parm cheese:

Closeup of the fish:

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Original WP Post ID: 8871

Original WP Pub Date: 2014-09-24_214032