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Frijoles a la Charra tacos and Shishitos with Miso dip


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This was a thrown together meal using beans and stuff we made earlier in the week.

The Meal

We basically took the frijoles a la Chara thing we made (see below) and poached eggs in it. Actually, the beans were burning to the bottom of the pan badly so we also used the broiler to help cook the eggs. We served them with warm, whole-wheat tortillas. This was really good with lots of flavor. I liked the bean stuff!

And we made shishito peppers[@rev] with that linked method. For the dip, I took some low-fat mayo and added white miso paste and garlic powder.

We made this earlier in the week with no real plan on how to use it but figured it would be good to have.

We first made the beans with the recipe below. The only real change was that we used fresh poblanos instead of jalapeƱos but did use jalapeƱo brine.The beans cooked this way needed a bit more salt but juice was super flavorful.

Then we made the frijoles a la Charra also with the recipe below staying pretty true to it (with canned tomato) and opting_not_ to blend it. So we just added all of the beans and let it cook. The only change was that we only used two (thick!) slices of black forrest bacon and cut smaller. It worked very well in the above meal!


Jalapeno Pinto Beans (from Homesick Texan by lisa Fain)

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Frijoles a la Charra (from Homesick Texan by lisa Fain)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 8920, 2014-09-30_220024