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"Fall-Toush" Salad


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I made a "fall-toush" (as infattoush) salad based off the recipe from Smitten Kitchen (and copied locally[@rev]). The biggest difference was that we couldn't find delicata squash so we used a mediumKabocha squash. It has the same properties of thin and edible skin and I happen to really like the squash. We essentially doubled the recipe (but kept the olive oil the same) and only used 3/4 of the squash (I cut the remaining quarter and toasted it. They were so good to snack on).

We served it with a fried egg (which I overcooked). Still, it was very good! Lots of interesting flavors and a very hearty meal!

Also, we used a Pakistani flat bread in place of pita. I am including a picture of the nutritional information below since I do notbelieve it. It is a 14oz bread but only has 350 calories. I doubt that! But the bread was very good!

Also, we added a small eggplant since I had it. It was actually really good in there. Especially the next day, To be included in the future!


The full list of changes are below:


Roasted ingredients Flat bread Before the egg

"Fall-toush" Salad (from Smitten Kitchen)

Local Copy[@rev] password is the name of my dog, all lower case

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Original WP Post ID: 9049

Original WP Pub Date: 2014-10-21_222551