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Home > posts > 2014 > 11 > 20141112_213524_burmese-shan-tofu-salad-and-cod.html
Burmese Shan Tofu Salad and Cod
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The real star of this meal was the Burmese Tofu Salad. We used the recipe fromBurma: Rivers of Flavor (local copy[@rev]) to make it. We made the tofu in the morning as per the recipe and let it harden during the day (we did the one with turmeric). Then, we made the sauce exactly as she said including with kefir lime leaves. The two biggest things we missed with the recipe was we forgot the sesame seeds and we made a quicker shallot oil. Her recipe for shallot oil takes a long time and we forgot it. So, instead fof15 minutes, we made a (very much scaled down) version in about 5 with higher heat. Honestly, it was fine and contributed really nicely to the flavor.
The Shan Tofu on its own was a bit strange. Had a grittiness that you often don't find with soy tofu. And it was a bit salty. But it was really good in the salad. The lime leaves really do add a ton of flavor! And you could really taste (and smell) the shallots and shallot oil. I will say though that I thought it had just a tinge of a Lemon Pledge scent. Not unpleasant but still a bit surprising.
We also made seared cod using my usual searing method but for less time since cod is more delicate. The topping was a 7-Seed Crust we had bought. I thought it actually had kind of a strange taste. Not sure if it was the cod, the crust, the cooking method or a combination thereof.
Burmese Chickpea (Shan) Tofu Salad [Tohu Thoke] (from a digital version ofBurma: Rivers of Flavor)
Local Copy [@rev] password is the name of my dog, all lower case
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Original WP Post ID: 9221
Original WP Pub Date: 2014-11-12_213524