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Fesenjan and Caramelized Butternut Squash


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For Thanksgiving, I made vegetarian Fesenjan[@rev] and caramelized butternut squash.

The fesenjan was the same recipe[@rev] as last time[@rev] but vegetarian. I used Osem for the chicken (following the guidelines roughly on amount) and for protein I had chick peas (1 large and 1 small can) with more toasted whole walnut. It was good like last time but the color was different. Maybe it was me not using the dutch oven or maybe it had to do with the chicken stuff. We made double and tried to thicken it more. It was really good but a bit rich. Fine for Thanksgiving style side dish.

I also made caramelized butternut squash[@rev]. I didn't choose the recipe but I made it. The recipe is from Ina Garden. I basically followed it with the changes being

It was very popular though I thought it was a bit mushy. Still, I'd make it again for a special occasion.

Caramelized Butternut Squash (from Ina Garten)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 9309, 2014-11-27_132041