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Sloppy Joes


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I threw together sloppy joes. It was kind of, sort of, maybe based on my recipe. I basically sautéed onions, added a pound of extra lean (95/5) beef and then added ketchup, mustard and an assortment of flavors. I added some chipotle powder, some liquid smoke, lots of garlic powder, etc. I also added lots of peppers and a 1/2 head of cabbage to bulk it up!

I let it simmer for a very, very long time. We served it was either in a tortilla or with lettuce wraps to keep the points down. And we topped it with arugula.

They were good. Not the most amazing but easy and flavorful. Plus, the points were just from the beef and ketchup

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 9386, 2014-12-29_193015