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Beer House Clams


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Meredith had leftover clams from when I was out of town so we tried this lady and pups recipe. I think we followed the recipe pretty closely though these were significantly larger than the ones in her picture.

We also did the de-sanding which seemed to be useful. They were pretty good. We took them off as soon as they started to open since we didn't want to over cook them but I think we should have used the induction to get a stronger boil and more steam. The likely would have opened more.

For the toppings/vegetable part, we used a super heated cast iron dutch oven as my "wok" (high heat like a wok but slow response unlike a wok). We skipped the MSG and the extra dark soy sauce. The real problem was the thai chili pepper made us cough and gag but other than that,success! I think I would use her sauce idea with mussels. The clams were fine but I prefer mussels.

Also, we got the cooking rice wine she suggests and it was super super salty. I would prefer regular sake and adding salt as needed next time!

Taiwan Beer-House Woked Clams (from Lady and Pups)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 9553, 2015-01-24_133047