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Lebanese Moussaka with Cauliflower Rice/Couscous Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 10:10 PM



We made Lebanese Style Moussaka. A friend made this for us before so we used the recipe she used (linked below). We followed it pretty closely. The biggest changes were:

As I said in the changes, I (as usually) adjusted the seasonings for taste. I also ended up simmering it for longer. Most of the time, I did it covered as per the recipe but spent some time uncovered to reduce the liquid.

We also served it with roasted cauliflower rice (now on its own page) with parmesan cheese and topped with low-fat feta.

Meredith also made a dip with preserved lemons and sugar in fat free greek yogurt. She kind of just threw it together. I do not think she followed a specific recipe. It tasted like some more complex lemon yogurt you could buy in the supermarket. We served all of this with leftover pita from the other day. Photos below:

Lebanese Moussaka (from SparkPeople) Local Copy password is the name of my dog, all lower case

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