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Sous-Vide Steak, Crab Legs, Roasted Cauliflower


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This was my first attempt at sous-vide. I used my homebrew temperature controller with a crock pot. The controller is not super smart so, even with the smallest temperature range, I was getting a pretty large range of temperatures. I aimed for around 135 which allowed it to go basically from 130-140 or between rare and medium. I figured if it was anywhere in there, I'd be happy with it.

I used flat-iron steak since it was the best I could find. I would have liked hanger steak or something leaner but this wasn't too bad. It was also a small piece which was good since I didn't want too many points. I put a bit too much garlic in the bag but it wasn't too bad. I followed Serious Eats and didn't use any oil, etc.

I cooked it in the water for about 2 hours then seared it (see the pictures). It certainly needed the sear since the color was just so gross out of the water bath. But you can see from the photos that it was nicely cooked to about medium rare all of the way through.

We also had crab legs (they were on a great sale). We steamed them for 5 minutes (I think). They had a few strange spots that we ate around and the rest of very good. Finally, we had roasted cauliflower[@rev] with Indian spices.

The meal was nice and a good mix of fancy but easy.

The package from the steak Same. So you can see how much In the water bath. You can also see the thing holding the temp Out of the water. Pretty bad color Getting a sear. The color improved You can see how it looks through the meat

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Original WP Post ID: 9785

Original WP Pub Date: 2015-03-27_201640