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Scallops and Grits with Romesco Sauce plus eggplant Saturday, April 11, 2015, 09:10 PM


This meal was inspired by this recipe but we really did our own thing. I used the Whole Foods instructions (See picture on bottom) to make the grits with 50/50 of water and almond milk. Actually, I started out without enough water and had to add more. It took a bit of time but I got it to work. I also added Osem to the mix instead of salt. With about a few minutes remaining, I added about 1/2 cup parmesan cheese. Oh, I also put about 1-2 Tbsp butter in the liquid.

I am not sure if I tasted the cheese, but the grits were really good and super simple.

We served it with scallops (3 each) and romesco sauce (plus extra to mix in). Finally, we also roasted some eggplant after letting it sit a bit with salt to remove bitterness.

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