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Chicken Lap
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Meredith and I made Larp, a Thai minced meat salad. We've had this a few times at Thai places and we've seen the recipe in Pok Pok, but it was much too complicated. Instead, we decided to go with the recipe from Simple Thai Food: Classic Recipes from the Thai Home Kitchen.
We made the red chili powder from New Mexico Red Chills. We also followed her recipe for the toasted rice powder opting for long-grain even though they say the glutinous waspreferred (the latter being hard to find). All recipes are about the same but her's was supposedly faster. I say supposedly since it ended up taking much longer than stated. Grinding the powder was hard. The food processor didn't really want to break it up well so we had to do it manually with a mortar and pestle.
Other than that, the only thing we really changed was to skip the cabbage.
We thought it was pretty good. Not the most amazing thing but usually Lap has a strong fish-sauce flavor and this didn'tbut the overall flavor was still a bit off.
I think we would do it again with some inspiration from Pok Pok to adjust the flavor.
We served it on white rice (1/4 cup dry each, very little) and a fried egg because we put egg on everything! It was a very low point meal. There is no oil and the only fat is from the egg.
Chicken Lap (from Simple Thai Food: Classic Recipes from the Thai Home Kitchen)
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Original WP Post ID: 10005
Original WP Pub Date: 2015-06-07_222548