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Calabacitas con Camarones Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 09:55 PM


When I made the Prickly-Chayote Calabacitas before, they were very good so we decided to just make regular calabacitas for dinner. There really isn't much to it. Just sautéed onions and jalapeños then add a ton of squash. But, there is a secret to why these were really good: butter. I used about 2-3 Tbsp in the whole thing so not too bad, but it made a big difference. And since the shrimp are such low points, it wasn't too bad as a meal.

The spices I used were salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, and garlic powder. I used it all to taste in the calabacitas and then also on the shrimp (steamed from frozen, about 4 minutes). I tossed it all together at the end.

A simple and fairly healthy meal!

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