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Home > posts > 2015 > 07 > 20150707_203845_beef-lap-tacos.html
Beef Lap Tacos
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Despite just getting back from Thailand (plus Vietnam and Cambodia), we decided to make Thai food. We made beef Lap using the chicken recipe[@rev] from last time[@rev]. We didn't have all of the stuff so we made a few changes:
No galangal
Used a jalapeno and sauted with the shallots (which weren't supposed to be sauted...oops)
Used just about 1 Tbsp of chili powder (and again New Mexican red chili)because it's all we had left.
Beef (96% lean) and used 16 oz
I am not 100% sure of other changes and seasonings other than adjustments to taste. We liked it a lot though it was much less spicy (and in some ways flavorful) than the stuff we actually had in Thailand.
Also, since wedidn't feel like making rice, we served it on tortillas. Why not?
Picture as we prep the herbs:
Original WP Post ID: 10042
Original WP Pub Date: 2015-07-07_203845