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Antipasti Selection
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Meredith put this meal together. It was basically like antipasti and/or tapas for dinner. A very Meredith style meal.
On the main cutting board (clockwise):
The salad (pictured below) was a burrata(Italiancheese that was like mozzarella on the outside and ricotta inside) with prosciutto, "power" greens, and black and green figs. The green figs were fine but the black ones weren't quite ripe so we tried to brulee them (See the photo below). The salad was drizzled with balsamic vinegar.
Finally, we had Tuscan melon (fancycantaloupe) to be eaten alone and paired with the cured meats.
The meal was a lot of prep but really, really good. Lots of variety and good complimenting flavors. My fav was mixing the salty and dry (and lean) bresaola with the almost creamy burrata.
We would do this kind of thing again!
Pickled Grapes (from Smitten Kitchen)
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Original WP Post ID: 10171
Original WP Pub Date: 2015-07-31_230541