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Home > posts > 2015 > 08 > 2015-08-03_fawafle-with-spring-peas-and-prosciutto.html
Fawafle with Spring Peas and Prosciutto
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Pretty standard Fawafles[@rev] topped with a poached egg and some Sriracha. But what was really good was the side dish, spring peas with prosciutto.
Meredith made thing just kind of winging it. She started with some olive oil and sauted one onion, diced plus salt to taste. She then added some butter and 2-3 pieces of prosciutto, chopped. Threw in a bag of fresh peas (Trader Joes). Let that cook down for a couple minutes and then added white wine (cheap wine from Trader Joes but not "cooking wine"). Let that reduce for a minute or two. Garnishedwith fresh chopped mint from the garden.
It was pretty fast, simple, and delicious. Probably a lot of starch but otherwise not too unhealthy.
Original WP Post ID: 10181
Original WP Pub Date: 2015-08-03_235006