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Stuffed Acorn Squash Tuesday, November 03, 2015, 12:00 AM


We made stuffed acorn squash. Meredith did most of it so I may have some details wrong. The basis for the stuffing was wheat berries. I cannot find the resource we used on cooking it but I recall a a 1:3 wheat- ratio. We also toasted them in the pan first like you do for rice. It think we just simmered uncovered for ~50-60 minutes, checking them periodically. I think we may have used chicken broth in it

The Filling

The filling was a combination of the following:

Stuffed Acorn Squash

We roasted a halved acorn-squash for half an hour, added some butter, salt, and pepper, then stuffed it and roasted it for another 30-40 minutes

Additional Meals

We had a ton of leftover filling which we used for other meals. I didn't make a post of it, but I took a bunch of that, sautéed it with some seitan, added Sriracha, then some grated cheddar. That was my dinner the next night. And after that, I again sautéed it and we had it as a side with the salmon.

Additional Photos

Filling before roasting Separate cooked filling

Tags: acorn, almost_vegetarian, grain_mixture, squash

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