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Party Foods: Pimento Cheese and more Ramen Rice Krispies


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Somehow I forgot to take photos, but we were going to two different parties so we made more food.

Pimento Cheese:

We made this for our first party. We followed the same recipe[@rev] as the first time[@rev] with the additon of green onions.

I do not know what is with that recipe but it really needs 2-3x the mayo.

The flavored seemed a bit off this time but adding more tobasco helped. I still don't think it was our best showing...

Ramen Rice Krispies...again

We again made Ramen Rice Krispies[@rev] like last night[@rev] except we made a few changes.

We actually made two half batches but for both, the biggest change was that we doubled the butter (well, halved everything but the butter). I read on this site that butter makes it softer since they were very crunchy the day before. They essentially have the same amount of dry stuff and marhsmellows but double butter. That worked well!

We also experimented. We made one batch with 1 Tbsp tahini to up the sesame flavor. That was a bit strange. I think it added too much toasted flavors and was a bit too rich.

The other bacth was with wasabi. We started with about 1/4 tsp wasabi powder and kept going up since we couldn't taste it. We ended with aroudn 1 tsp but still was too weak. So this batch was better but mostly because it tastes regular.

Sadly, this was not a hit at the party. I think in the future, I won't tell people it has seaweed. That got some strange reactions.