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Tofu Bahn Mi Stuffed Peppers


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Meredith and I made Bahn Mi stuffed peppers.

We started by marinating pressed extra-firm tofu. We marinated with

(This came from some site but it is heavily modified as above)

We baked it at 350 for 40 minuted (tossed half way) and then let it sit and keep cooking in the cooling oven. At the same time (with the oven off) I put in the two halved peppers to cook a little.

This cooked the peppers just enough to not be raw and it slightly overcooked the tofu (though I kind of liked the extra chewy tofu).

We then filled the peppers with the tofu, sliced cucumber, sliced jalapeno, mint, and pickled carrots. The pickled carrots were from Vietnamese Home Cooking (book, local copy[@rev]). We just followed the recipe as it was. It may be a ton of points in the recipe but you don't drink all (or barely any) of the liquid.

Oh, on mine, I also made a Sriracha mayo with light mayo.

Pickled Carrots (From Vietnamese Home Cooking by Charles Phan)

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