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Home > posts > 2016 > 04 > 2016-04-20_yakitori_quail_eggs_fish.html
Yakitori Quail Eggs, Fish and others stuff
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This seems like a big meal, but it wasn't too hard. The main part of the meal was also the smallest, the yakitori.
Meredith made yakitori quail eggs from this Ottolenghi recipe (local[@rev]). Meredith followed it pretty closely except did it with fewer eggs. Also, she skewered the eggs before grilling them. Also, she just eye-balled the marinade.
We did the boiling for about 2.5 minutes but (likely because of the altitude) it was just barely soft-cooked.
The came out really good. Like a small ramen egg. Maybe a bit richer. But we need to let it go a bit longer next time. The sesame salt was also good.
Other than that, it was a mix of thing. We cooked a frozen fish thing from Trader Joes. Sadly, we didn't really read it and it was covered in olives. I was able to ate some of it but I mostly had the kabocha squash and asparagus for dinner.
Yakitori Soy grilled quail eggs with sesame salt (From Ottolenghi)
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