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Home > posts > 2016 > 05 > 2016-05-13_Zucchini_PeanutSauce.html
Zucchini Noodles with Peanut-Sesame Sauce
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Meredith did all of the work on this one. She used the normal Peanut Sesame Noodle[@rev] recipe. She followed the recipe itself for the sauce (at least roughly) and used the rest for inspiration (pepper, etc). The noodles were from two zucchinis.
Then we added chopped rotisserie chicken.
Other than the chopping, this is a pretty easy and good meal. It is not exactly low in points but also isn't too high either (around 24 for the entire thing from the peanut butter).
We would consider it for lunches as long as it don't let it sit too long.