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Calabacitas Con Pollo Sunday, June 12, 2016, 08:28 PM


First meal in the new house! We needed something quick, easy, and healthy. We bought a Costco thing of rotisserie chicken earlier in the day and Smiths had a thing of 3 zucchini + 3 anaheim1 peppers on sale since it was getting old. We did those plus another zucchini.

We did what has become our regular calabacita trick: butter. We used 2-3 Tbsp butter (but it made 4 servings) plus some adobo powder, salt, and garlic powder.

When it was almost finished, we added ~12+ ounces of Rotisserie chicken.

It came out really good. Not a ton of food since we divided it into 4 but it was enough. Also, this was our first time getting to test both the new kitchen and also the new cast iron pan.

  1. This is a guess! They kind of looked like very long and smooth banana peppers. But they were also old. We're really not sure 

Tags: chicken, rotisserie, squash

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