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Grilled Buffalo Halloumi Tacos and Other Stuff Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 08:21 PM


Grilling continues! We marinated some halloumi in Franks Red Hot for an hour or so and then grilled it. I used a more gentle heat than last time. I also coasted it with some more Franks Red Hot while grilling.

We also grilled eggplant and some other stuff. There is seitan there (which I ate while grilling...oops...) and we also tried to make a grilled lettuce salad. That worked ok. Not the most amazing thing, but it helped bulk up the meal. We probably should have made a few more slices of cheese.

We made tacos with the cheese and the eggplant. Again, nothing special, but the cheese was really good.

All on the grill Grilled Lettuce Everything after being off the grill Nutritional Info for the cheese

Tags: cheese, grill

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