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African Peanut Soup w/ Eggs
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We made African Peanut Soup[@rev] yesterday and reheated it for dinner today. I used the regular recipe except I went heavy on the vegetables (extra jalapeƱo and red pepper, plus others) so I also went heavy on the broth.
I also used the powdered ginger, cumin, and cayenne from the recipe. Though I used 1 tsp of cayenne (since adjusted down on the recipe). Anyway, when we tasted it, it was (a) spicy and (b) kind of flavorless.
We played around a bit and added worcestershire, soy sauce, and a bit more Better than Bouillon. That actually worked really well so I added it as an option to the recipe.
It was still too spicy so I added a tsp of sugar when blending some to try to cut it a bit. That worked well enough. We forgot to serve with any greens but that worked ok.
Anyway, we served it today with some scrambled eggs (with a bit of sour cream -- worked okay). I also had two soft-"boiled" (steamed) eggs[@rev] done for 8.5 minutes which worked perfectly.
I updated the recipe for some of these changes.