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Chicken with Mushrooms and Spinach Monday, October 10, 2016, 08:26 PM


Meredith and I made something like chicken marsala but with sherry and we didn't really follow a recipe.

The veggies were based on 2016-06-14. Basically just sautéed onions with some salt and butter, then add mushrooms and let it cook down. Finally add a some garlic powder, a pinch of dried thyme and sherry. Spinach added at the end.

For the chicken, I pounded down some chicken. Not too flat but thinner. I let it sit with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. I then sautéed it in the cast iron for about 5-8 minutes on each side. Towards the end, both to add flavor and cook it more, I deglazed with sherry and put a lid on it.

It came out really great! Lots of flavor and easy to make. This recipe is a really great weekday meal.

Tags: chicken, marsala, spinach

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