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Home > posts > 2017 > 01 > 2017-01-20_20_CurryMeatballs.html
Turkey Curry Meatballs
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We made Coconut Curry Meatballs from Wholesomelicious (LOCAL[@rev]). We used this as the base recipe but made a few changes because of what we had and general preference:
Between the lean meat (and no sausage), the difference of coconut flour (maybe?), and the egg, the meatballs were dry!. The flavor was good but they desperately needed some moisture!
For the sauce, we basically followed the recipe except that last 1/4 cup of coconut milk was the light kind.
The sauce came out very good but desperately needed some heat/spice. We should have thrown a bunch of chiles in there! The flavors were good, but this was just lacking the spice we like with Thai food.
We still liked it though. It made a lot of food with 50 meatballs (we ate half). We also did it on cauliflower rice (which I adjusted down the temperatures on that recipe).
We need to put more fat in the meatballs (higher fat content turkey, additional other, some kind of real turkey sausage). They were simply way too dry! Also, everything needed more spice. There was none in the sauce and barely any in the meatballs.
Also, we really should have been using Thai basil, not Italian basil.
Finally, we need to up the spice level.