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Green Curry Turkey Meatballs


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While we made this a few times already this month (A[@rev],B[@rev]), we made Coconut Turkey Meatballs[@rev] but this time with green curry paste just to mix it up. We followed the same changes as last time[@rev] to make it less dry (and again, coconut flour). We also used an extra bell pepper to bulk it up. Also, we only had one can of coconut milk (and it was low-fat) so we used the milk-substitute kind for the other 3/4 cups.

It was pretty good. I am not sure I could really taste the difference with the green vs red curry but the red has a nicer color for the future1.

Also, we meant to put hot peppers in but totally forgot. Oh well.

  1. While we will make it again, once Whole30 is over, we'll probably make it less often since it is pretty caloric