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Grilled Chicken Saturday, April 22, 2017, 07:07 PM


I made grilled chicken again just like last time using the same basic methods. The only real difference was that this was a smaller chicken, I was better about temps (more on that below) and I used Mural of Flavor and salt as the seasoning.

I followed the same instructions as before, but this time I had a leave-in meat thermometer to help. It worked pretty well except I must have positioned it wrong. When it hit the right temp, I flipped the bird, repositioned the thermometer, and got a much lower reading. I had to flip it back and reposition again. It took a bit of playing but I think I managed to get it right.

The recipe's temperatures are much lower than I would expect and last time I went way too hot (by accident). This time, I just added 5-15°F to each set temp. Honestly, it still came out super moist. The only real issue is that I tore the skin a bit with the multiple flips.

But in the end, it was good. And pretty easy now that I know what I am doing with cutting it.

We served it with some hastily grilled broccolini

on the grill Ready to carve

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