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Grilled Chicken Monday, June 05, 2017, 08:03 PM


I made grilled chicken as I did before. I followed the same principle but it was a much smaller chicken. I spatchcocked and sprinkled it with salt, pepper, and adobo powder.

I grilled it the same way as I had the last two times, though I did a better job with the thermometer probe. I decided to go to about 120°F before flipping and going to 155-160°F on the other side (higher than the recipe calls for).

This chicken was smaller than I used in the past and it was from the local farm store. I do not know if it was the freshness, size, cooking method, or what, but it was probably the juiciest chicken I've ever had. The only thing is the skin could have been a bit crispier. Maybe next time I will sear it on the grill again if it needs it.

I also took a picture of how I had to the grill set since I was happy with the temps.

I also grilled up some sugar snap peas with salt and garlic powder

Getting all ready Grill settings with the chicken in the *lower* temp side Finished. Ready to rest

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