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Green Chile Stew
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I really like the grene chile stew at Golden Pride. I did some reading and eventually found this Chow Hound recipe (Local[@rev]). I decided to combine that (which is a 1:4 green chile to water ratio) with Santa Fe School of Cooking (local[@rev]) (which is 1:2 chile to water).
I also posted about it on reddit and got the following (abbreviated) response
The recipe [from Chow Hound] is fairly close, but the Frontier [and Golden Pride] stew contains ground beef, not pork. It also has cumin and MSG (MSG is also the secret to the Frontier's delicious hashbrowns).
My list of changes, off the Chow Hound was roughly:
I also used Better Than Boullion. I let it simmer for about an hour (covered). I thought it was pretty good, though not as good as Golden Pride's. It was also very spicy! (which is not a bad thing).
I think next time, I may go a bit lighter on the green chile. Other than that, I am not sure what else but next time I go to Golden Pride, I will try to take better notes of the flavors.