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Butternut Squash Noodles with Turkey Meatballs


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This was basically 2017-09-27[@rev] but with butternut squash and less meat.

I used the same meatball recipe[@rev] except with 1 lbs of turkey (so basically, I just went heavy on everything). I actually used fresh parsely this time, but again used garlic powder.

I spiralized a butternut squash. We bought one that was large with a straight end section. I cut off the ends and peeled it. I also microwaved it for just 1 min and it spiralized really well. (unlike last time[@rev]).

I roasted them for about 6 min or so at 375°F with the meatballs.

Overall, it was pretty easy and good. Nothing spectular, but I liked how spiralized butternut squash worked out. It was surprisingly easy!