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Turkey Marsala


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I made turkey marsala. I used the same recipe[@rev] as last time[@rev] except I did it with ground turkey. I first browned a pound of lean turkey and set it aside. I then sautéed an onion and later added a big thing of mushrooms. After they were browned, I took them out of the pan and proceeded with the recipe for the sauce. (with 1/2 and 1/2 instead of cream)

Once the sauce was all together, I mixed back in the mean and veggies. While they were simmering, I made a serving or two of linguine and spiralized 3 yellow squash.

I mixed it all with the heat off so as to not cook the squash too much (which worked but did cool the sauce). It made four really big servings.

I liked it though it could have used a lot more salt! I liked how easy it was by not having to make the meatballs separately!

I would do this again. It really isn't too unhealthy. It was just 3 tbsp of butter in the whole thing.

The mushrooms and onions The brown bits left to get incorporated into the sauce All of the yellow squash