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Meatball Marsala


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I made meatball marsala[@rev] with similar changes to the first time[@rev]. I actually made the meatballs (for this and Koeftas) the night before and had them ready. I didn't fully caramelize the onions but I did use the hot-water deglaze idea of 15 minute caramelized onions[@rev].

Since Meredith didn't want sweetness, we opted to use something instead of butternut squash noodles. Instead we used spaghetti squash. I used the basic idea of Love and Lemons which was basically 400°F for about 30 minutes to be "al dente"1. We mixed it with regular pasta too.

I used heavy whipping cream since we had it leftover but I think that was a bit too strong. It was creamier than I would have liked though still very good.

Overall, a pretty easy meal with a nice mixture of prep-ahead of active cooking time

  1. Since there really isn't much recipe to this, I am not posting a local copy