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Butter Chicken


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I made a big (2x) batch of Butter Chicken[@rev]. I followed the changes of Last time[@rev] except I forgot the ground cumin in the chicken and a few other notes:

I used the serrano since we could get them more easily but I didn't like it as much. It was hard to gauge the spice level and they were spicy. Also, half-and-half was a nice experiment but I think it failed. I liked it more with real cream. I am not sure if the onions did anything though I do appreciate bulk.

I liked it but I seem to recall enjoying it more before. Not sure if the flavor was that different or not. This time tasted sweeter (even though still only half the honey). And it was super spicy!

I think in the future, I will continue to evolve with last time's[@rev] changes.

I also made about 2 cups (dry) of rice. I made four frozen and four served (Meredith's parents were visiting) servings.