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Peanut Butter and Jelly Cake


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The theme for this week's "Gluttonfest" was "Soups, Salads, and Sandwiches" so Meredith made a PB&J Cake. She used the recipe from Cakes by Courtney (LOCAL[@rev] -- including a PDF of the site and the video).

Her notes (so far):

So far my only note is that yesterday it creaming the PB and butter together seemed like it would have worked better if I did the butter first and then added the PB. So I did that today for the frosting. Worked well. Less critical for the cake than the frosting.

Also I think she went a little heavy in the jelly between layers because it’s a bit wobbly.

The end result was pretty dry and, despite using a lot of jelly, the jelly flavor was kind of lost in the cake. We will not likely use this cake recipe again though the peanut butter frosting was very well received.