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Dalgona Coffee


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The final working method With oat milk

Meredith decided to hop on the bandwagon and try Dalgona coffee. There are tons of recipes around but they are all basically the same: 2 tbsp each instant coffee, sugar, hot water.

However, we really struggled to get it to work. Here is what we tried:

  1. Whisk by hand (both of us tried and gave up)
  2. Milk frother since it worked for Emily but ours was underpowered and didn’t do anything.
  3. Vitamix. Not enough liquid. Just made a mess
  4. Mixer with whisk. New batch for this. Still not enough liquid
  5. Mixer with scraping paddle first try. The paddle made scary noises at high speed
  6. Older scraping paddle. Finally success!!!

I thought it tasted kind of icky on its own (probably because of the instant coffee) but mixed into the Oat Milk, it was really good!