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Home > posts > 2020 > 04 > 2020-04-22_Egg_Quesadilla.html
Egg Quesadilla
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This is a retry/adaption of what I was trying to do on Monday[@rev].
First, I diced up and sautéed (really just to heat) a bunch of leftover ham[@rev]. I then took that off the stove and let the pan cool a bit. I then added two beaten eggs (with a splash of milk). Topped it with the ham then then some mozzarella. Finally, I put a tortilla on top and pressed down to try t get it to seal with the eggs.
I flipped it (carefully, in the air) and let the bottom cook for a bit. I used some more mozzarella and a bit of Adobo powder. I finally folded it.
It was good. I really enjoyed it. I wouldn't call it any great revelation in cooking but it was a nice change.