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I originally prepped this the night before but ran out of time. So I baked it fully and then refrigerated it (I realized I was out of time after shaping them). Meredith reheated them at ~300°F for about 20 minutes.

They came out really good even though I super struggled to get it all to blend. I made a double batch and put the chickpeas on the bottom. They need to go on top to press down. It took a lot of pulsing and mixing to get it all blended. And, I do not know if it was from the (huge) onion or something else but they were a bit wet. Still, I think they tasted great!

Caroline even liked it enough though she was really all about the tzatziki Meredith made. By the way, Meredith figured that she can make Tzatziki with finely-chopped cucumber instead of grating and pressing it. It works just fine and is so much easier!