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Hotdogs and Burgers with Homemade Brioche Buns


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We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers for Fourth of July. We also had Tony and Kacie over while staying outside and with careful distancing. They brought taco stew.

Not much to say about the burgers but we didn't have buns so I made some!

I used the Brioche Bun recipe from The Perfect Egg[@rev]

I followed it pretty closely. My major notes were that I used the packet yeast and the food processor. Actually, I really struggled to get it to come together and it even jammed the processor. I ended up taking it all out, kneading it by hand (with a bit more flour) and then letting the processor knead it. I think in the future, that is the way to go: bring it together by hand, let the food processor really knead it, and then clean it up by hand.

The rolls were pretty good. Maybe a tad dry. And the crust was a bit much for a burger bun. But it was fun getting to make it. And I had no idea brioche had so much butter! You can see the structure in the second photo below.

We also had grilled okra[@rev] (not pictured)
