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Brisket, Green Beans, and Potatoes


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We had friends over for a socially distant dinner and made sous vide brisket[@rev], green beans[@rev], and potatoes[@rev].

The brisket was the normal Serious Eats method[@rev]. I bought "Choice" instead of "Prime". Even though prime is supposed to be better, the choice was a nicer cut, with less fat, and a better size (though more expensive so about the same cost). I still trimmed away a good amount of fat (estimated 1 lbs, 7 oz). I did add about 1/2 tsp of liquid smoke in each of the two bags (cut as best as could with the grain to make it easier to cut against it later). I cooked it for about 30 hours and then finished it on the grill for about 3.

When Weight Comments
In package 11.38 lbs Package label
Bagged 9.96 lbs Before sous vide. Includes bags
After draining 7.16 lbs based on 2.77lbs of liquid but also missed a lot
Cooked 5.31 lbs Likely started out with less than above

I also tried to make a gravy with the sous vide juice. I reduced it to about 2 cups (way too much) while skimming. I then made a slurry of 3 tbsp cornstarch and 1/4 cup water. It worked but was so salty that you could really barely eat it.

Meredith made her regular green beans[@rev]. She let the marinate for about 2 hours. The thing is, the longer they marinate, the better they taste and the worse they look!

Also, we had leftover vinaigrette from last week[@rev] so Meredith made potatoes again. They were really good!