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BBQ Wings


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This was actually supposed to go with yesterday's meal[@rev] but we forgot until there wasn't enough time.

Anyway, I made baked wings[@rev]. They got to "dry" in the fridge for about 48+ hours since we pushed it a day. That did seem to help make them super crispy.

I did cook them about 30 minutes on the one side rather than 20.

I decided to try BBQ again but I was careful not to burn them like last time[@rev]. I mixed BBQ sauce with 1 Tbsp of butter and some crushed red pepper. I tossed them and then put them back in the oven for 5 minutes (but not with the broiler). That worked well! I also liked it with the crushed red pepper!

It was 9 wings (just drumbettes, no flats) and it was enough food, though I would always like more!