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Pulled Pork


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I made Pulled Pork[@rev] to freeze for future meals. I did the noted change of just doing salt, garlic powder, pepper, and coriander in the crust. The biggest note was that I finished it in the oven. It was a lot and I wasn't sure it would all fit on the grill. And this was way easier. Taste wise, going into the bag, it good. We'll see if we notice a difference when we crisp it up. There was still a crust but less pronounced than some others.

I started with a lot of pork but I didn't have enough of everything. For the crust, I did:

Cooked souse vide at 165°F for about 24-26 hours (not sure how long it took to finally come to temp)


After it was out of the bags, I weighed them to be about 6-3/4 oz so I adjusted my initial weight accordingly

When Weight Comment
Start 14 lbs 10.2 oz I had trimmed off fat from the original package but this includes spices
Post Cook 10 lbs 4.3 oz based on 4 lbs 5-7/8 oz of liquid)
Final 8 lbs 8 oz I did eat some but certainty not more than a few oz

About a 42% loss. Not too bad

Out of the oven Packaged