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Mushroom Orzo


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After the success of the orzo last week[@rev], Meredith asked me to make One-Pot Creamy Wild Mushroom Pasta [The Kitchn][@rev] with orzo. I did about half cream and half milk. I also uses 8 oz fresh mushrooms and a can (8oz drained) of mushrooms since we didn't have enough.

I added the orzo when you would add the pasta. At the 12 minute mark, it was very much too wet. We let it go another 12 which probably made it absorb more and also boil more water away. I liked it a lot though it didn't have the same creaminess (even though this one had cream!) as the one done risotto-style.

I would do it again but I would probably do more reading a devise a way to combine the methods if possible.

We also had pan-fried smoked sausage on the side.